Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Basuki Ismael

Basuki Ismael caricature, water color and ink on paper, 2006
From him I learn how to be humble and low profile despite the worldly materials and great attainment in life. The firm inner stance will control us amidst the materials illusions.

Mervyn Fletcher

Mervyn Fletcher, graphite pencil on paper, 2006

"Look ahead and there is bright light in the end of the tunnel. You have to be ready to go there. Start your journey"

Saturday, March 15, 2008

John Budd

John Budd, soft pastel on paper, 2006

Unicef is nice working environment to everyone. There is no bullying up here. Please, enjoy your work.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Bronwyn, charcoal on paper, 2004

I believe some time in the past or in the future we were born and united together. The similarities in a way are the kind of reincarnation in which we were re-born again and met each other. Maybe we are brother and sister.


Pilgrimage, acrylic on paper, 2007

Our life is a long and winding journey. We are the pilgrims in search for fulfilment of life. Walking through the course of life does not always smooth and full of wonder and neither full of revenge and discomfort. Only light of love will guide the pilgrims to go through the right path of pilgrimage.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Yellow Flower

Yellow Flower, soft pastel on paper, 2007

So many ways to admire God's beauty. Yellow flower leads me to the an unending admiration of life.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Harmony in Blue

Harmony in Blue, acrylic on paper, 2007
Let's celebrate love in our single moment of life. The harmony of love has inspired me to paint the representation of love. This might mark the commemoration of Valentine's Day this year. But again, I reckon the day-to-day life is the celebration of love itself.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

River Study

River Study, soft pastel on paper, 2007

Many times I am dumbfounded by the beauty of landscape such as river scenery. As self taught artist, I painted landscape as my preliminary object in my childhood. It's been long for me to leave the subject until I painted it again last year.

Red Flower

Red Flower, soft pastel on paper, 2007

Flowers are always special as they attract my attention to the beauty and harmony. They represent the wonders of God's creation.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Nude Study in Black

Nude Study in Black, soft pastel on black paper, 2007

Stroking lines and color without any burden at heart and mind sometimes result in impressive work. Doing something well comes from free flow of emotion without any fear.

Nude and Rose

Nude and Rose, acrylic on paper, 2007

This is the study of learning the harmony of beauty. The mix of color and passion can depict the symbol of beauty here.

Life and Apple

Life and Apple, soft pastel on paper, 2004

Life is not always easy and fair. But sometimes instead of lighten up our life, we create our own burden. But yet we want everyone to see us walking with pride as if nothing burdens us. We are sometimes pretend to be strong with our own burden... But life must go on, after all.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Alone in Blue

Alone in Blue, acrylic on paper, 2007

People might consider loneliness as frustrating moment in life. But some think that loneliness is deemed the source of inspiration and energy of life.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Jesus in Riot

Jesus In Riot, watercolor on paper, 1999

I made this painting in memory of humanity tragedy in May 1998 series of turmoil in Indonesia following the late dictator Soeharto stepped down his 32-year unbending throne. I just imagined how bloodshed and the torn-apart humanity aspects hurt the Almighty Creator of Life. Jesus burst into tears to see lives died in vain. Sadly, His tears could not yet wipe away the bloodshed and attrocities in this planet thus far.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Silent Destruction

Silent Destruction, watercolor on paper, 1999

Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, it seems silence becomes the priceless treasure. However, sometimes silence might turn to be destructive when it is kept in mind as loneliness.

Then, destruction happens within the silence itself.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Like Tiger

Like Tiger, soft pastel on paper, 2004

I always like tiger. It has two images, bravery and fidelity. The faithfullness and commitment of a tiger to its spouse is unquestionable. Once love for a lifetime till death do them part. What an amazing faithfull love!

Doggy Face

Doggy Face, soft pastel on paper, 2007

Dog teaches me the meaning of faithfullness and dedication. Faithfullness in many ways forgets hatred and revenge. It almost never bites the owner. Its loyalty blinds its eyes. But yet it opens its sincere instinct to always be closer to the master.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Merenungi Aceh

'Merenungi Aceh', soft pastel on paper, 2005

The December 2004 tsunami in Aceh killing about 200,000 lives was the unforgetable massive disaster. Thousands of peoples were homeless and hopeless. The destruction has left mysterious barren land in many parts of Aceh. No words can describe the agony of the survivors. My relatives, among the other survivors, have lost 64 peoples of the big families in the earthquake and tsunami. I made the painting in memory of the lost souls represented by the man sitting and seeing the ruin from a distance.

My Angel

My Angel, soft pastel on paper, 2005

I made the painting to mark my sorrow for losing my would-be kid. I called the miscarriage kid Angela. I love her as it taught me a lot on love, hope and faith. Losing the loved one has led me to know the deeper meaning of "Your Will Be Done" words of God. That is the ultimate faith I have ever had.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Pada saat menjelang akhir tahun, semua sektor formal selalu disibukkan dengan laporan-laporan tutup tahun. Sesudah, libur Natal dan Tahun Baru semua orang disibukkan dengan acara untuk memeriahkannya.

Semua institusi sekular maupun relijius bersiap menyambut kedatangan Tahun Baru dengan acara khusus. Pemerintahan, departemen, lembaga swasta, kantor, rumah ibadah, organisasi, sampai perorangan seolah disibukkan dengan perayaan itu. Apalagi pusat perbelanjaan dan pusat hiburan. Perayaan Tahun Baru adalah masa untuk menangguk untung sebesar-besarnya.
Segala daya dan upaya untuk menyajikan acara terbaik, termewah, termahal dan paling spektakuler. Semua dilakukan demi menangguk untung dari orang-oang yang tersihir oleh gemerlapnya Tahun Baru. Perayaan hura-hura itu itu menjadi sebuah medan magnet luar biasa. salah-salah orang dapat tersedot, bergumpal dengan pusaran daya tarik magnet itu tanpa tahu arah.

Tak terkecuali setiap orang berdandan dan berpenampilan klimis, mengkilat. Seolah tampilan baru itu sudah merepresentasikan kebaruan pada pergantian tahun itu. Tanpa perubahan tampilan , seakan dicap ketinggalan jaman. Ketinggalan tahun tepatnya. Orang berlomba-lomba untuk tampil beda.

Yang cukup mengherankan mengapa orang cenderung mengkotak-kotakkan waktu menjadi lama dan baru. Hakekat waktu tak kenal rupa dan bentuk. Waktu semua sama. Yang membedakan adalah pemaknaan atas perjalanan waktu itu. Pemaknaan itulah yang memiliki dinamika perasaan yang berlainan. Dinamika perasaan itulah yang membuat waktu seolah berbeda. Ada masa senang. Ada masa sedih. Ada masa penuh penyesalan. Ada masa penuh optimisme dan harapan. Ada pula masa kegagalan.

Media berlomba menyajikan kaleidoskop tahun lama. Mereka memotret peristiwa-peristiwa menonjol dalam setahun. Para analis pun berlomba memprediksi bidang-bidang politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya di tahun mendatang.

Tak terkecuali para peramal juga kebanjiran order untuk memaparkan hasil terawang spiritual mereka tentang apa yang akan terjadi. Tak terhitung para aktris, aktor, penyanyi pun kebanjiran order untuk meramaikan panggung hiburan. Pundi-pundi mereka pun makin menggelembung.

Tapi apa yang sesungguhnya mereka sampaikan di awal tahun? Akankah itu membuat perbedaan dan mengubah perjalanan sang waktu? Kalau dicermati, apakah benar acara-acara wah untuk merayakan tahun baru itu sudah menjadi tradisi. Artinya ini sudah berlangsung lama. Dan peristiwanya pun tak jauh beda dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

Kalau demikian, bukankah kita hanya mengulang sebuah perayaan? Merayakan kembali yang sudah usang dari hidup. Toh dekadensi moral tak akan serta merta menajdi lurus seiring bergantinya tahun. Orang jahat tidak serta merta menjadi baik setelah tahun baru. Keterpurukan ekonomi juga belum tentu meningkat setelah memasuki tahun yang baru. Orang bermental korup pun juga belum tentu mau berubah total seiring pergantian tahun. Resolusi akhir tahun juga akan selalu terulang setiap akhir tahun, tanpa hasil resolusi yang diimpikan.
Rentang tahun terlalu panjang untuk membuat suatu perbaikan. Tanpa dilandasi perubahan setiap detik dari hidup kita, mustahil perubahan setiap tahun akan terjadi.

Merayakan setiap detik untuk perubahan yang baru mungkin lebih aktual. Perayaan detik baru tidak harus identik dengan hura-hura, pesta, mabuk-mabukan. Perayaan penuh kemeriahan justru lebih sering berakhir pada kehilangan kesadaran untuk berubah ke arah yang lebih baik. Waktu dan pola hidup yang lama akan terus terulang. Kecuali ada perayaan detik baru yang membawa kebaruan.

Apakah kita mau menjadi baru di setiap detik di depan kita? Yang lebih mendasar adalah bukan lama dan barunya tahun melainkan sikap hati dan kemauan untuk menjadi semakin baik setiap saat, setiap detik hidup kita. Itulah makna kebaruan sesungguhnya.